Intron Health

Intron Health focuses on personalized medicine, leveraging genomic data to tailor healthcare solutions. Their innovative approach aims to optimize treatment outcomes by understanding individual genetic profiles, advancing the frontier of precision medicine.


Statisense Ltd is a data analytics company specializing in providing advanced statistical solutions. Leveraging cutting-edge technologies, they empower businesses to derive valuable insights and make informed decisions based on data-driven analysis.


Dataleum is a Global Technology Training and Consulting firm that develops, nurtures, and deploys globally functional tech talents. We have matched thousands of our alumni with both local and global opportunities. We achieve this via our Liquid Learning Approach and an AI-driven Job Matching Platform (

Data Scientists Nigeria

Data Scientists Network is Sub-Saharan Africa’s leading Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology enterprise committed to building Africa’s AI talents ecosystem, and developing solutions for governance, education, health, retail, and finance.

... is an innovative insurance technology platform. Leveraging AI, it provides personalized insurance solutions by analyzing users' lifestyles. The platform aims to simplify and enhance the insurance experience for individuals.


Youverify is a Nigerian-based technology company specializing in identity verification and background checks. Leveraging advanced technologies, it offers reliable solutions to businesses, ensuring secure and efficient verification processes for users.


Nomba is a versatile platform that integrates data analytics, artificial intelligence, and business intelligence tools, offering businesses a unified solution for efficient decision-making and strategic insights in real-time.

... is an innovative platform leveraging artificial intelligence for automated video editing. Simplifying the editing process, it empowers users to create professional-quality videos effortlessly, revolutionizing content creation in various industries.