Seasoned experts in big data, blockchain, artificial Intelligence and social innovation. They facilitated multi-stakeholder discussions, exchanges and collaboration on data as an enabler of smarter Lagos.
Leading innovators, thought-leaders, and technology enthusiasts who curated conversation on how to connect the realities of today with the prospective tomorrow.
Global Cyber-Crime & Data Protection: Building a Smart Lagos in the Face of Security Breaches.
Lagos is the most populous city in Nigeria with an estimated population size of 18 million. The state is considered to be the major financial centre for all of Africa and the economic hub of Nigeria. It is safe to say that the city is a cluster of data which if properly collected and analyzed can trigger economic revival for the entire country and by extension, the whole of Africa. Clearly, data is the baseline to building the Lagos of tomorrow and it is therefore important to curate conversation on how data can be collected, collated, analyzed and used to build unique and urbane products for Lagos and Lagosians.
Smart Data for Better Living: A Venture Capitalist Approach
Lagos is the most populous city in Nigeria with an estimated population size of 18 million. The state is considered to be the major financial centre for all of Africa and the economic hub of Nigeria. It is safe to say that the city is a cluster of data which if properly collected and analyzed can trigger economic revival for the entire country and by extension, the whole of Africa. Clearly, data is the baseline to building the Lagos of tomorrow and it is therefore important to curate conversation on how data can be collected, collated, analyzed and used to build unique and urbane products for Lagos and Lagosians.
Lagos 2030: Data as a Vehicle into creating The Future.
Lagos is the most populous city in Nigeria with an estimated population size of 18 million. The state is considered to be the major financial centre for all of Africa and the economic hub of Nigeria. It is safe to say that the city is a cluster of data which if properly collected and analyzed can trigger economic revival for the entire country and by extension, the whole of Africa. Clearly, data is the baseline to building the Lagos of tomorrow and it is therefore important to curate conversation on how data can be collected, collated, analyzed and used to build unique and urbane products for Lagos and Lagosians.
Data Integrity & Blockchain: Challenges and Learning.
Fintech is one of the most exciting and fast-growing areas, and has changed the way Nigerians think about money and value exchange. It has led to the emergence of new business models that is reshaping financial services. Nigerian banks can now integrate mobile banking platforms and leverage emerging tech like AI and blockchain. it is believed that fintech provides unique opportunity to promote financial inclusion in the country, enabling the CBN reach its goal of reducing the unbanked persons from 46% to 20% by the end of 2020. However, two major concern needs to be critically addressed: Data integrity and Blockchain.This session will help to minimize product/startup failures.
Data Strategy for Start-up Valuation and Growth: Credible Data for Business Acceleration
Survey shows that 8 out of 10 businesses will fold up within the first 18 months of their existence. As of 2018, Nigeria had attracted up to $306 million in funding for over 26 deals. In 2019, a total of $491.6 million was invested in African tech startups, with Nigeria raking in 24.8% of the total investments worth $122 million with the fintech sector taking the lead. Recently, Paystack was acquired by Stripes for over $200 million and this is arguably the biggest single investment in a Nigerian startup. Owning a startup can be very challenging and raising fund to get it off-ground is even much more challenging as startups need to survive the VUCA marketplace. It is imperative that startups understand how to use data and analytics to boost their valuation in order to attract the right funding, relevance and growth.
Uwem Uwemakpan
Diector,fund operations,
ingressive capital
ingressive capital
Diversity and Inclusion in Tech: Creating Allies
Though almost half of the Country’s population is made up of female (49.33%), only about 22% of the total number of engineering and technology university graduates each year are females. This gender gap in science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) fields will not close on its own. Stakeholders need to be intentional about galvanizing awareness and deliberate action towards encouraging gender balance and inclusivity within the tech industry. Research has shown a clear positive link between increased gender diversity and financial results, across different industries and countries. Successfully addressing the gap can unlock significant commercial and socio-economic opportunities, benefiting businesses and society as a whole.
Data, Lagos and 1 Million Jobs.
Technology has already significantly changed the job landscape worldwide. From the emergence of the gig economy, remote working, and advances in automation, technology is giving us more options than ever to create and execute jobs. Studies show that Nigeria’s unemployment rate currently stands at 27.1% (from 23.1% in 2018), with an underemployment rate of 28.6%. This indicates an urgent need to reassess how jobs are created. In addition to structural reforms, there is a need to leverage data for more efficient job creation. Many regions around the world already lean on data to bridge the skills gaps, empower employers/employees, and essentially smoothen the job creation cycle. In Nigeria, data-led decisions could also help facilitate the consistent creation of decent, sustainable jobs
Ayotunde Coker
Managing director/CEO, Rack Centre
Olufunmilola Bucknor
HR MADAM consulting limited
Data-Driven Models of Healthcare Delivery
The Nigerian healthcare has suffered several down-falls. Despite Nigerian's strategic position in Africa, the country is greatly underserved in the healthcare sphere. Health facilities are inadequate in Nigeria. The system remains weak as evidenced by lack of coordination, fragmented services, dearth of resources ( including drugs, supplies and equipment), decaying infrastructure, inequity in resource distribution, and consistent intellectual flight. However, the use of technology to deliver quality healthcare has been a decade-long conversation. How can data transform this sector? How do we use tech to track, gather, store, retrieve, and make healthcare decisions?
Data Inclusiveness to Tackling Educational Challenge: New Connectivity for Educational Advancement
Education in Nigeria is plagued by a myriad of problems. These include poor funding causing poor educational infrastructure, inadequate classrooms, teaching aids (projectors, computers, laboratories and libraries), paucity of quality teachers and poor learning environment. In addition to these inadequacies, the student populace is meshed in numerous social vices such as examination malpractices, cultism, hooliganism and corruption. How can big data transform the teaching-learning process and deliver an effective way to develop both the learners and educators for better learning outcomes in both privileged and indigent societies?. How can technology accelerate the pace of change in formal and informal learning, create engaged students, interactive learning and access a wider range of information? It is time we begin to deliberately integrate digital technology into educational sector and redefine the definition of ‘classroom’ with the use of technology.
Alternative Energy As A Road Map To a Better Living: How Lagos can leverage data to resolve its energy deficiency
In 2015, Nigeria signed the Paris Climate Agreement alongside most of the world. This was an indication that we recognised the need for a shift from dependence on fossil fuels to more sustainable energy sources. Today, not only does over 90 million Nigerians have no access to electricity, up to $14 billion is spent annually on generators. There is a massive deficit in the total energy generated and supplied; and inevitably a shortage in alternative energy sources available. This has deprived the economy of up to $29 billion annually (Source: IMF) and helped worsen the effects of environmental degradation and climate change. Technology has a big role to play in reducing this energy deficit and providing sustainable alternative energy sources. We have to leverage data to lead us to a future fueled by energy that's clean, sustainable, and accessible for all.
Natasha Ibori
Co-Founder, Uwana energy
Urban Mobility: Using Data and Emerging Tech to Improve Future Mobility.
Lagos with a population of about 20 million people and >4 million vehicles is naturally prone to experience transportation problem. There is an exponential growth in the human population migrating into urban areas. This explosion is gradually rendering current transit models incompetent and unreliable. Traffic inefficiencies cost the Lagos economy hundreds of millions of dollars annually. Therefore, it is necessary to leverage advance technology such as smart technology, modern mobility, metro electrification and autonomy to address these challenges in the transportation sector.
Lagos, The Next Smart Agricultural Hub: How data interplays with technology to produce a food-sufficient Lagos
Lagos is heavily reliant on food import from other states and Covid-19 further highlights the risk of such dependencies. At the peak of the pandemic, despite restricted interstate movement, the State had to open its local borders to allow food trucks into the state; with the risk of bringing in infected individuals. However, a quick survey shows that about 47% of Lagosians want to be engaged in the agricultural value-chain but lack the required knowledge and information. There is then a need to commence the journey to make Lagos a smart agricultural hub, and this will be built on data that will both connect Lagosians to technical knowledge and investment.
Virtual Sponsors Arena to host company logo and other details
Special email blast with company details
Session promotions in social media and featured snippets, etc.
Company details on event webpage and other printed materials.
Named as Silver Sponsor of the conference
Everything thing on
Silver Package
Virtual Exhibition Booth to host live products and demos
Company details on event webpage and other printed materials.
Named as Gold Sponsor of the conference
Everything thing on
Gold Package
5 minutes Virtual Speaking Slots
Virtual Sponsors Arena to host company logo and other details
Facilitated 1:1 meeting with attendees and networking lounge access [physical]
Named as Diamond Sponsor of the conference
60 seconds advert played in-between sessions
Everything thing on
Diamond Package
5 minutes video recording session [with Q&A] about business/product [to be uploaded on our website]
Advanced networking with speakers
Named as Platinum Sponsor of the conference
60 seconds advert played in-between sessions
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